There's a stretch of freeway I'm quite fond of (I actually wrote a song set there, "Night Sky Fall") - the 134 between Glendale and Pasadena.
So tonight I'm coming back from dinner with friends - we're celebrating a young man at my church having finished his master's degree in screenwriting and we've had a terrific evening of Japanese food and great conversations. I leave Burbank about 11:45 p.m. and I ran into a completely unexpected traffic jam as I'm coming up on Eagle Rock - I was able to get a traffic update at 12:01 a.m. and realized I was going to be stuck for awhile... a small plane crash landed on the freeway a few miles ahead of me, flipped over on its back (2 occupants taken to the hospital but okay, no cars involved!) and along that particular stretch of road there are no exits for 3-4 miles. The news said they were taking the traffic off at Figueroa but, in fact they didn't and shortly before coming to that exit the traffic picked up and started to move - so I figured, ah, the news is behind the curve and the freeway has been opened up again. In fact, I think what happened is they stopped taking cars off at Figueroa and started taking it off at Linda Vista (another 1+ miles down the road) so the traffic opened up and then shut down again. Took me an hour and 10 minutes to go about 5 miles - eep! Glad I went potty before leaving Burbank! I squeaked off the freeway and drove up by the Rose Bowl and was VERY happy to walk into my house! whew!
Never did get to see the plane... sigh.